Nebular Disk Hypothesis is a wrong explanation.

Snow Line

As per the currently accepted theory, it is believed that when giant space clouds in the outer space flattened and spun due to gravitational force, Sun was formed in the bulky center of the cloud and the other planets were formed when particles of dust and gases in the flatter areas around the Sun began to stick together to form clumps.
Specifically, it is believed that since the temperature near the Sun was intense, the gases and dust found there was only minimal and these gases and dust gradually clumped together and led to the formation of smaller rocky planets in the long run like the earth and the mars.
Moreover, it is also believed that very high temperature prevailed near the Sun and volatile gases like hydrogen, sodium, chlorine and methane present in that region were pushed far away from the Sun by the solar radiation.
Later, it is believed that light gases like these gathered on the periphery of the Solar System and this led to the formation of giant gaseous planets like the Jupiter.

The region between the rocky planets and the gaseous planets is described as Snow Line.
This is because, it is in this area that the volatile gases attain a frozen state due to low temperature.
Also, the region beyond Pluto is described as the freezing area for gases like methane and ammonia.
It is believed that comets are formed only in this region.
But, it is known that this is a wrong theory by the presence of volatile gases and chemicals in the planets.
For example, many explanations are offered for the space rocks called asteroids revolving around the Sun between mars and Jupiter.
Some believe that they may be the remnants of a planet which failed to form and it is believed that the gravitational force of Jupiter might be the reason for the failure of that planet to take form.
Others believe that these asteroids might have emerged from the collision between planets.
At this juncture, a dwarf planet, with a circumference of 950 kilo meters, is also revolving between these asteroids.
This dwarf planet has been named as Ceres.
A study conducted from earth in the year 1990 observed the presence of water vapour in this dwarf planet.
The studies conducted subsequently observed the presence of atmosphere at certain times, and it was absent at other times.
Based on this finding, it was believed that this dwarf planet might have a temporary and transient atmosphere.
Particularly when the comets come closer to the Sun, their head area become large due to the vaporization of the volatile materials in them.
Later, when the comets move away from the Sun, they return to their normal state.
Similarly, the same was expected to happen in the case of the dwarf planet Ceres also.

At this point, Michaela Villarreal of the University of California studied the periods when atmosphere formed in this dwarf planet.
It was found out that there was no association between the periods when atmosphere formed in that dwarf planet and the periods of its proximity to the Sun.
But, it was observed that there was a link between the periods when atmosphere formed in that dwarf planet and the periods of intense Solar radiation.
In a subsequent study conducted through satellite, it was found that atmosphere was formed when the high-energized particles from the Sun came into contact with the ice on the surface of the dwarf planet and this ice got energized and vaporized.
Michaela Villarreal states that it has been found out that later, when this water vapor dispersed in the space, a transient atmosphere which lasts only for a week or two is formed.
White deposits were detected in a large round shaped pit found in the crater of the dwarf planet Ceres. In the beginning, they were considered to be deposits of ice.
At this point, NASA, by sending a satellite to the dwarf planet, conducted a study through infrared spectrometer and other instruments with higher resolution and the white deposits were found to be salt deposits.
Particularly, astrophysicist Maria Christina De Sanctis of Rome, who studied the spectrometer concerning these deposits, stated that they were sodium carbonate salts found in the hot spring areas of the earth.
Based on this finding, she also observed that hot conditions prevail under the dwarf planet and along with it, ammonium-mixed clay is also found there.
According to the Nebular Disk Hypothesis, it is believed that all the volatile gases, especially methane and ammonium could possibly exist only at the edge of the Solar System, particularly in the cooler parts where Neptune is located.

Hence, Mikhail Solodov of Arizona University and Chris Russel of California University believe that the dwarf planet, Ceres, after forming in the parts where Neptune is situated, might have reached the current location, due to collisions among the planets.
Otherwise, these scientists also believe that after the dwarf planet Ceres was formed in its current location, ammonia might have entered it through the comets which collided with Ceres from the edge of the Solar System.
However, Dr. Michael Hubner of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology announced that on the basis of a study conducted on the infrared spectrometer, he had discovered the presence of ammonia in the air to the extent of thirty-three times in a trillion, in the earth's troposphere layer.

But, according to the Nebular Disk Hypothesis, there is absolutely no possibility of the presence of ammonia on the earth, hence, the scientists are puzzled about how ammonia came to the earth.
This is because, it is believed that earth was a molten rocky planet at the time of its formation.
In the presence of intense heat, all the volatile gases like ammonia, methane etc. would vaporize and disperse from the earth.
So, the scientists are puzzled about how ammonia entered the earth.
However, it is noteworthy that ammonia is present not only in the earth, but also in all the nine planets viz. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto etc.
Moreover, the atmosphere of the earth comprises of three-fourths of nitrogen and one-fourth of oxygen and other gases.
Under these circumstances, Prof. Sandra Pizarello of the University of Arizona has stated that nitrogen might have entered the earth through the comets.
Since nitrogen and carbon etc. are molecules of life, they have been responsible for the emergence of life on earth.
After the emergence of life, it is considered that methane was formed from the dead plants and animals.
At this point, the presence of methane in Mars came to light by a study conducted through Curiosity Rover.
So, the scientists are wondering how methane came into Mars and whether living organisms were responsible for the same.


Was Mars formed by the condensation of dust and gases?
A satellite study showed that due to Solar radiation, elements like sodium, calcium and magnesium are being released from Mercury, a planet very close to the Sun.
Similarly, the satellite study found out the release of gases from Venus also due to Solar radiation .
The satellite study also discovered that sodium is being released from moon due to Solar radiation.
This satellite study also found out the release of oxygen from the earth due to Solar radiation.
At this juncture, the satellite study has discovered that, Mars which is located next to the earth is also releasing gases like carbon, oxygen and hydrogen due to Solar radiation.
The US launched a satellite called Maven to conduct research, particularly on the Mars.
The time when this satellite reached Mars, a comet called Siding Spring went past Mars which was incredibly close.
This caused the dust particles in its tail to fall on the surface of the atmosphere of Mars.
Following this, when the atmosphere of Mars was studied through a satellite, it was found that sodium, magnesium, iron, potassium, manganese, nickel, chromium and zinc were present on the comet.
Release of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen from Mars was also detected due to Solar radiation .
This discovery challenges the hypothesis that once upon a time an giant molecular cloud made of dust and gases was spinning around the Sun for millions of years and later due to condensation of the dust and gases present there, planets like Mercury, Venus and Earth were formed near the Sun.

This is because, minerals like sodium, magnesium, iron, potassium, manganese, nickel, chromium and zinc present on the comet, which came near Mars, are found on the earth also.
Hence, a question arises as to how earth could have formed from the dust near the Sun with the same mineral content mentioned above, when these minerals had vaporized due to sun’s heat near Mars, a planet which is far away from the Sun.
When the mineral gases present in the comet that went past Mars, which was quite far from the Sun, had vaporized due to the Sun’s rays, it is impossible that the same gases had not vaporized in a place which was much closer to the Sun.
Hence, earth could not have formed near the Sun with these gases present in it.


The Mystery of Methane.

NASA’s senior research scientist, Glenn Orton, has discovered that methane is being released from the south polar region of Neptune, the eighth and the last planet of the Solar System.
Glenn Orton has stated that this was known when scanning through a telescope from Chile, a country in South America.
He has also elaborated the reason for this phenomenon.
The most distant major planet from the Sun, Neptune, is thirty times earth’s distance from the Sun.
So, the sunlight received by Neptune is just one tenth of one percent of the sunlight that the earth receives from the Sun.
As a result, the average temperature of Neptune is minus two hundred degrees.
However, like the earth, Neptune is also orbiting the Sun it its axis in an inclined position.
That is, the earth is revolving around the Sun once in three hundred and sixty-five days.
Hence, the south polar regions of the earth face the Sun only for a few months. During this time, earth’s northern region will have summer. After this period, the north polar region of the earth will face the Sun.
But, Neptune takes one hundred and sixty-five years to complete one rotation around the Sun.
At present, the south polar region of Neptune is facing the Sun.
Also, the south polar region of Neptune will continue to face the Sun for another forty years to come, after which, the north polar region of Neptune will face the Sun continuously for forty years.
Since the south polar region of Neptune continues to face the Sun for many years like this, the temperature in the south polar region of Neptune is ten degrees more than that is found in the other regions of Neptune.
Glenn Orton explains that as a result of this, methane, which is found in a frozen state in the atmosphere of Neptune’s south polar region, is converted to gas. This gas is released from Neptune’s atmosphere and dispersed in the outer space.
This discovery challenges the hypothesis that once upon a time a giant molecular cloud made of dust and gases was spinning around the Sun for millions of years and later due to condensation of the dust and gases present there, giant gaseous planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus etc., including Neptune, were formed.
The reason is, methane gas is present in Uranus also which is even nearer than Neptune.
Similarly, methane gas is present in Titan also, which is a sub-planet of Saturn.
So, a question arises as to whether methane gas was present around the Sun for millions of years.
Particularly, how earth formed very close to the Sun with the presence of methane is a question to be answered.


Nebular Disk Hypothesis is a wrong explanation.

Nebular Disk Hypothesis that explains the evolution of the Solar System has come to be proved as a wrong explanation.
It was believed that once upon a time a giant cloud in the space suddenly cooled, condensed and rotated and its massive central part condensed to form the Sun.
It was believed that later, the dust and gases, spinning around the Sun for millions of years, condensed here and there and planets were formed.
This theory is called the Nebular Disk Hypothesis.
according to this theory,all the volatile gases, including the water molecules present near the Sun, moved away from the Sun due to the emission of intense heat from the Sun.
But, it is believed that other minerals and metals like iron, which were found is a lesser quantity near the Sun, cooled and in the long run, minor rocky planets like Mercury, Venus, earth and Mars were formed.this kind of rocky planet formation is called as accretion method.
However, it is believed that giant planets were first formed a rocky core,in a short period due to the condensation of the materials found in a massive scale in the cooler regions far away from the Sun,by accretion method.
after that,the rocky core attract huge volume of gases and then formed as the giant planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
But, it has come to light by the studies conducted in the recent times, that the Nebular Disk Hypothesis is wrong.

Particularly, it has been discovered by a satellite study that there is emission of gases like hydrogen, oxygen, sodium etc. from Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars due to Solar radiation.
So, doubt is raised as to how could planets like Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars form near the Sun, with the presence of volatile gases like hydrogen,nitrogen, oxygen, sodium etc.
Most importantly, large amount of nitrogen, that is, seventy eight percent, is found only in the atmosphere of the earth which is closer to the Sun.
Interestingly, a recent satellite study has discovered the emission of nitrogenous gas due to solar radiation from a distant planet Pluto, a planet which, compared to the earth, is forty times away from the Sun.

So, questions have been raised regarding the possibility of the formation of earth with a huge volume of nitrogen closer to the Sun.
some scientist believe that the nitrogen of the earth atmosphere was supplied by comets which is believed to be formed in the outer region of the solar system.
Similarly, the satellite study has also discovered the emission of sodium from the moon due to solar radiation.

The satellite study has also discovered the emission of sodium due to solar radiation from Mercury, a planet very close to the Sun and also from the moon.
Hence, it is puzzling that how it was possible for Mercury to form near the Sun with sodium in it.
Likewise, the satellite study has also discovered the emission of water and carbon dioxide due to solar radiation from the comets which approach the Sun, particularly when they reach the distance where Mars is located.
So, it is a mystery how planets such as Mercury, Venus, earth, Mars etc. with a lot of gases like hydrogen, oxygen and sodium could form near the Sun and this puzzle needs to be solved.
With such emissions caused by solar radiation in the distant planets, it is impossible for any planet to form near the Sun.
Hence, the theory, that once upon a time dust and gases were spinning around the Sun and these dust and gases condensed here and there and planets were formed, has been proved to be wrong.


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